The Crew - Wild Run (Addon)

The Crew - Wild Run (Addon) from MMOGA Ltd. US
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The Crew - Wild Run (Addon)

Manufacturer: Ubisoft

The Crew - Wild Run (Addon)

The Crew - Wild Run (Addon) Buy The Crew Wild Run now! The download of the addon The Crew Wild Run by is easily available via Uplay. Stock up on fuel and rubber: The Crew is going on a 'Wild Run'! Experience motorcycles, dragsters, monster trucks, new specs and more! You can download the Uplay Client here. The original game The Crew (not included in this offer) is required to use, respectively, play the contents of the addon Wild Run. Video Screenshots Product description Stock up on fuel and rubber because the developers of The Crew are bringing you a “Wild Run” this fall! Get ready to twist the throttle and hold on tight as you unleash the torque and horsepower beneath you. That's right: motorcycles are making their way into The Crew! On track, off road or tearing down city streets, get your speed-fix and adrenaline rush astride a narrow band of rubber hitting the open road. Just make sure you stay shiny side up. Dragsters will bring you closer to speed-demon bliss, faster than anything you've experienced, one quarter mile at a time. Make your tires squeal to gain grip at the start, but don't step on the gas too hard unless you want to lose thrust and go airborne. Great power requires great control, and dragsters demand a perfect sense of timing. One of the staples of American car culture, monster trucks, are jumping and smashing their way onto the screen! This spec is all about freestyle and exhibition trucks, often put on display performing dangerous backflips, wicked jumps, donuts, and wheelstands (when they're not rolling over obstacles or featured in wild races). You can start imagining what the police chases will now look like. And finally, one of the specs you've all been clamoring for is coming to you! Get ready to slip and slide like you never have before with the upcoming Drift spec! To wrap things up, the Summit, an unofficial gathering of thousands of drivers and mechanics from around the world, takes place in iconic locations all around the USA. It's a gathering where car culture is celebrated across a multi-dimen ...
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