Teenage Engineering Pocket Operator - Office PO-24 Standard

Teenage Engineering Pocket Operator - Office Po-24 from Musician's Friend
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Teenage Engineering Pocket Operator - Office PO-24 Standard

Teenage Engineering Pocket Operator - Office Po-24

The Pocket Operator series is a fun and portable way to make electronic music, and the PO-24 is perfect for the fan of crazy mechanical whirrs, bleeps, clicks and clacks and other machine sounds. Its hard to describe a sound set, but picture this: youre in an office is full of equipment that makes interesting mechanical sounds. You are in a frenzied race as the young assistant engineer to sample as much noise as possible before the finance team is back from their fancy lunch. Now youre getting the idea...Real synthesizer enginesSequencerParameter locks16 sounds16 punch-in effectsSolo controlBuilt-in speaker3.5 mm audio i/oJam syncLcd displayFolding standWatch + alarm clock1 month battery life

Teenage Engineering Pocket Operator - Office PO-24 Standard

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