Dimplex T23WH1031CW WALL INSERT HEATER SMALL 2X3, 1000/750W 240/208V WHITE/BLANC

Dimplex Fan Forced Wall Heater from Sylvane
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Dimplex T23WH1031CW WALL INSERT HEATER SMALL 2X3, 1000/750W 240/208V WHITE/BLANC

Manufacturer: Dimplex

Dimplex T23WH1031CW WALL INSERT HEATER SMALL 2X3, 1000/750W 240/208V WHITE/BLANC

The Dimplex T23WH1031CW Wall Insert Heater Small 2X3, 1000/750W 240/208V White/Blanc is a compact heating unit designed to quickly heat areas with drafts or exterior doors. It has a maximum heat output of 5118 BTUs and uses a fan to quickly circualte heat throughout the space.

Dimplex Fan Forced Wall Heater

Compact multi-purpose unit ideal for use where space is limited. Can be installed vertically or horizontally, and since it's only 3 inches deep, it can be recessed into a wall cavity or surface mounted, using the optional surface mount box. Thermostat (knob) pictured is not included, and must be purchased separately.
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