Trodat Replacement Ink Cartridge 6/53 - pack of 3

Cassette d'encrage Trodat 6/53 - emballage de 3 from - Online Shop for customized stamps
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Trodat Replacement Ink Cartridge 6/53 - pack of 3


Cassette d'encrage Trodat 6/53 - emballage de 3

Convient aux tampons en caoutchouc Trodat Professional 5203, 5440, 5440/L, 5253 et aux anciens modèles 4203, 4440, 4558 et 4558/PL.

Les cassettes sont vendues par emballage de 3.

L’encre à base d’eau ne renferme ni substance toxique, ni acide, ni formaldéhyde, ni métaux lourds. Hygroscopique, l’encre absorbe exactement l’humidité de l’air ambiant qui lui faut pour demeurer toujours humide, ce qui rend la casse...


Trodat Replacement Ink Cartridge 6/53 - pack of 3

Suitable for Trodat Professional rubber stamps: 5203, 5440, 5440/L, 5253 and former models 4203, 4440, 4558, and 4558/PL. Comes as a multi pack of three. The ink is water based and contains no toxic substances, no acid, no formaldehyde and no heavy metals. The ink is hygroscopic, meaning that it self regulates by absorbing the humidity of the surrounding air so that it does not dry out, allowing prolonged usage. The replacement ink cartridges are available in black, blue, red, green and viol...

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