Trodat Professional dateur 5030 3/16'' x 1 5/8'' - 1 ligne

Trodat Professional Dater 5030 3/16 x 1-5/8" - 1 line from - Online Shop for customized stamps
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Just C$67.87

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Trodat Professional dateur 5030 3/16'' x 1 5/8'' - 1 ligne


Trodat Professional dateur 5030 3/16'' x 1 5/8'' - 1 ligne

La bande de date du Trodat Professional 5030 imprime des caractères de 4 mm de hauteur et comporte une empreinte de 4 x 26 mm

La fabrication de ce tampon climatiquement neutre respecte l’environnement en faisant appel à des plastiques recyclés.

Le 5030 est un tampon auto-encreur fait pour durer, qui produira des milliers d’empreintes nettes et claires.

Pour prolonger la durée de vie de votre tampon, commandez la cartouche d&rsqu...


Trodat Professional Dater 5030 3/16 x 1-5/8" - 1 line

Trodat Professional 5030 has a date band with a character height of 4 mm. The imprint size is 4 x 26 mm. It is environmentally friendly, produced from a high content of recycled plastic. The Trodat Professional dater 5030 is a self-inking stamp with a built-in ink pad to last for many thousands of sharp and clear impressions. To further extend the life of your stamp, order the suitable replacement ink pad 6/50. Pads are available from this website in black, blue, green, red and violet.

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