Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Mirror's Edge Catalyst from MMOGA Ltd. US
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Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Manufacturer: Electronic Arts

Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Mirror's Edge Catalyst Buy Mirror's Edge Catalyst now! You will receive the key for the game by via eMail within the delivery time stated above. Experience Faith's origin story and fight for freedom in the city of Glass. This huge world is your 1st person playground! By using the key you can download and install Mirror's Edge Catalyst via Origin. Instructions can be found here. Video Screenshots Product description Experience the Rise of Faith! From the outside, the city of Glass appears to be an elegant, high-tech metropolis. But a terrible secret is buried deep within its heart – and it's up to the free runner Faith to expose it. Experience Faith's origin story in Mirror's Edge Catalyst and fight for freedom in the city of Glass. This huge world is your playground. Run, climb, and explore every corner in the first-person perspective, from the sun-drenched rooftops to the dark, gritty tunnels below. Combine Faith's free-running movement and agility with her advanced combat techniques to take out those who stand in your way. Only by mastering the environment can you hope to uncover the harrowing conspiracy hidden within the city of Glass. Features Experience fluid, first-person action: Get your heart pumping with fast-paced first-person navigation and combat. With incredible freedom of movement and martial arts abilities at your fingertips, you'll have just as much fun exploring the world as you will taking out your enemiesExplore every inch of a vast city: Run free in the city of Glass at your own pace, however you want, and unlock its many districts as you playWitness the rise of Faith: Peek behind the curtain of Faith's past. Learn more about her upbringing in a totalitarian society and how she came to join an outsider group called the Runners. Then, experience her journey for yourself as she stands up against oppression System requirements Minimum OS: Windows 7, 64-bit (with latest Service Pack) Processor: Intel i3-3250 / AMD FX-6350 (at least 4 logical cores) Memory: 6 GB RAM Hard Disk: 25 GB available space Graphics: AMD Radeon ...
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