Broken Doll Costume for adults

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Broken Doll Costume for adults

Manufacturer: California Costume Collection

Adult Broken Doll Costume

You know how you loved dolls when you were little, but after growing up you find them more than a little creepy? Dressing up in this Broken Doll Costume is the perfect way to channel some of that creepiness into your own spooky antics!We've all had that moment where you're going through an old toy box or walking around a thrift store, and we stumble upon an eerie looking doll that is way past its prime. Maybe it's missing an eye, or it's covered in suspicious dirt and grime (probably from all of those years of crawling around on the dirty floor on its own when no one was around, right?), but for whatever reason, dolls just don't sit well with you anymore. They may have been a playtime staple at one point, but now you'd rather be stranded on a desert island than spend one minute in a cramped, dark closet, with only that creepy doll and a flickering candle to keep you company. At least, that's how we feel about them...But we don't mind if you dress up in this costume to give all your friends the chills! This gothic style doll outfit comes with nearly everything you'll need to give off your own spooky vibes. The cracked patterns on the sleeves and leggings, and the partial face mask give you a broken porcelain look, and the dark, vintage style dress makes you appear like you're from a haunted, bygone time. Add an eerie doll wig and some Mary Jane style shoes to complete this unsettling look, but do us a solid and don't sneak up on us while you're wearing it, okay?

Broken Doll Costume for adults

Broken with StyleThere aren’t many things more off-putting than the lifeless stare from a doll’s beady eyes. Although, one thing that we can think of that would make things even more unsettling would be if that same doll just happened to be deformedly damaged as well. There are just all sorts of ‘innocence lost’ vibes that surround a broken doll, especially a gothic one! Toss on this Broken Doll Costume and become one of the creepiest costume creations in the party scene this Halloween.When you walk through the doors everyone will wonder what haunting nightmare you crawled out of! Did you break out of a basement full of secrets or creep down from a haunted attic? Either way, some terrifying toy chest will be missing its scariest doll while you’re out and about. Cut the strings and feel alive, even more so than Pinocchio ever did as a real boy!All Dolled UpThe black dress has a purple plaid print over the bodice inset as well as the skirt overlay. The skirt is also dolled up with a purple hemline ruffle. The purple shrug has neck ruffle and puffy mesh upper sleeves. The large purple bow fastens to the back of the dress and the mini plaid top hat can be attached to any headband. The ivory colored elastic-waist leggings and fitted lower shrug sleeves are decorated with printed cracks. To go along with the cracked and broken theme the costume also comes with a porcelain doll half-mask.Eyes like a DollNow then, whether you want to paint the other half of your face to look like the rest of the doll’s face or to look like a dark presence hidden within the doll trying to break free is up to you… but we know what we’d do! Enjoy freaking everyone out with a lifeless stare this Halloween in this daunting Broken Doll Costume.
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