Deluxe Hooded Robe Costume For Women

Women's Deluxe Hooded Robe Costume from
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Deluxe Hooded Robe Costume For Women

Manufacturer: California Costume Collection

Women's Deluxe Hooded Robe Costume

Can people always find you chilling out in your robe. Well, that can mean a lot of things. Maybe when you think about robes you think of cozying up and not leaving the house? Well, you wouldn't be wrong. Robes are usually cozy and fluffy but they can also be rather intense. Think about it. There are different types of robes, all for different purposes. There are monk's robes. Judge's robes. And the legendary Golden Girls always wore robes as well. However, none of these robes make the intense impact of this deluxe robe for priestesses and vampires. Why should you leave your love of robes behind on Halloween? This Women's Deluxe Hooded Robe will make a great foundation for any costume. It's dashing in a midnight black with red lining. You'll love the corset detailing and the dramatically large sleeves and hood. The best part? You can feel totally at home even as you boogie your way through the night of fright. Who knew evil mischief making could be so comfortable!Use your imagination to create a boundless list of looks this robe can create. Add devil horns and a pitchfork accessory for a devil lady look. Or pop in some fangs and hook a cross necklace around your neck for a vampiress vixen. (ooh, spooky!) Or perhaps you have a tattered broomstick and pointed hat lying around, making you a formidable witch. Whatever look you choose to turn this robe into, you’ll still be good ole’ robe lovin’ you!

Deluxe Hooded Robe Costume For Women

RED ROBESRed robes almost never belong to the good guys. Think about it - Name one character that wore a black and red robe like this and wasn't either an evil villain, an evil witch, a vampire, or the devil herself. (If you could name one, we are sorry, we were just trying to play the odds, we couldn't think of one.) But for the majority of you who couldn't name one, our point is made! This robe can play a lot of different roles, but all of them are evil. You could be a vampire! That's probably our favorite use for this robe. But a witch costume comes as a close second. And if you add some little devil horns, this would make for a very good devil costume too. the opportunities are endless for this costume! We suppose you could even pretend you're a good person instead of evil with this robe, but it'll take some serious rebranding for anyone to believe it...FUN DETAILS This robe has a classic evil feel to it that we really appreciate. You'll be wearing a hooded robe made out of 100% polyester. The robe is primarily black, but the front is red and is accented with black lacing. The inside of the hood and the sleeves are also red, giving this whole ensemble a stylish yet evil look. All you will need is either vampire teeth, a broomstick, or devil horns and your costume will be complete. EVILIf you end up trying to be good while wearing this costume, we wish you the best of luck. This robe was made for the evil, and it fits the bill almost too well. No one will believe you if you say "I'm an angel in red and black." The only angel they will be able to picture in that color scheme is Lucifer!
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