Lace Sensor Blue-Silver-Red 3-Pack S-S-S Pickup Set Black

Lace Sensor Blue-Silver-Red 3-Pack S-S-S Pickup Set Black from Music & Arts
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Lace Sensor Blue-Silver-Red 3-Pack S-S-S Pickup Set Black

Lace Sensor Blue-Silver-Red 3-Pack S-S-S Pickup Set Black

Lace Sensor-Blue Guitar Pickup: Slightly increased output with the warmer 50's humbucking sound in a single-coil configuration
Postion: neck, bridge
Resistance: 12.8k
Peack Frequency: 2100
Inductance: 6.58 henries

Lace Sensor-Silver Guitar Pickup: A fat 70's single-coil sound with increased output and more midrange.
Postion: neck, mid
Resistance: 7.1k
Peack Frequency: 3000
Inductance: 3.38 henries

Lace Sensor-Red Guitar Pickup: The hottest output in the Sensor Series. Perfect for the bridge position when fat, punchy humbucking output is required.
Postion: bridge
Resistance: 14.5k
Peack Frequency: 1850
Inductance: 8.12 henries

Lace includes a three-inch mini data CD that includes all its latest wiring diagrams in color along with Lace's most current pickup and guitar catalogs.Includes 3" mini data CD with color wiring diagrams

Lace Sensor-Blue Guitar Pickup Slightly increased output with the warmer 50s humbucking sound in a single-coil configuration Postion neck, bridge Resistance 12.8k Peack Frequency 2100 Inductance 6.58 henries Lace Sensor-Silver Guitar Pickup A fat 70s single-coil sound with increased output and more midrange. Postion neck, mid Resistance 7.1k Peack Frequency 3000 Inductance 3.38 henries Lace Sensor-Red Guitar Pickup The hottest output in the Sensor Series. Perfect for the bridge position when fat, punchy humbucking output is required. Postion bridge Resistance 14.5k Peack Frequency 1850 Inductance 8.12 henries Lace includes a three-inch mini data CD that includes all its latest wiring diagrams in color along with Laces most current pickup and guitar catalogs.Includes 3 mini data CD with color wiring diagrams

Lace Sensor-Blue Guitar Pickup: Slightly increased output with the warmer 50's humbucking sound in a single-coil configuration
Postion: neck, bridge
Resistance: 12.8k
Peack Frequency: 2100
Inductance: 6.58 henries

Lace Sensor-Silver Guitar Pickup: A fat 70's single-coil sound with increased output and more midrange.
Postion: neck, mid
Resistance: 7.1k
Peack Frequency: 3000
Inductance: 3.38 henries

Lace Sensor-Red Guitar Pickup: The hottest output in the Sensor Series. Perfect for the bridge position when fat, punchy humbucking output is required.
Postion: bridge
Resistance: 14.5k
Peack Frequency: 1850
Inductance: 8.12 henries

Lace includes a three-inch mini data CD that includes all its latest wiring diagrams in color along with Lace's most current pickup and guitar catalogs. Includes 3" mini data CD with color wiring diagrams
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