Pittsburgh Modular Synthesizers MIDI 3 Module Standard

Pittsburgh Modular Synthesizers Midi 3 Module from Guitar Center
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Pittsburgh Modular Synthesizers MIDI 3 Module Standard

Pittsburgh Modular Synthesizers Midi 3 Module

The MIDI 3 is Pittsburgh Modular's third generation MIDI to CV converter packed with a robust list of features. It includes a complete set of mono and duophonic MIDI response modes, assignable CC and dedicated velocity outputs, a feature rich clock source with tap tempo, MIDI and external gate clock dividers, and multiple arpeggiator responses. This module is deep.

A MIDI to cv module converts standard MIDI note messages into the analog control voltages used by modular and other analog synthesizers. This allows the synthesizer to be controlled by a MIDI keyboard, sequencer, or DAW. The two CV outputs on the MIDI 3 can be used to control the pitch of an oscillator, cutoff frequency of a filter, or any other function that requires a control voltage signal. The set of Gate outputs on the MIDI 3 can be used to trigger envelope generators or other modules expecting a gate or clock source.
  • MIDI 3 can be assigned to respond to all channels or any individual MIDI channel
  • The range of pitch bend can be set to +/- 2 notes, +/- 5th, +/- 1 octave, +/- 2 octaves
  • Control Change Output - CC response of 0-5v
  • Assign the MIDI CC channel the Midi 3 responds to
  • Velocity response of 0-5v based on active note

Pittsburgh Modular Synthesizers MIDI 3 Module Standard

The MIDI 3 is Pittsburgh Modular's third generation MIDI to CV converter packed with a robust list of features. It includes a complete set of mono and duophonic MIDI response modes, assignable CC and dedicated velocity outputs, a feature rich clock source
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