Mollard P Series Purpleheart Baton White 12 in.

Mollard P Series Purpleheart Baton White 12 in. from Music & Arts
Best price

Just $31.49

on Sat 06-Jun-2020

at Music & Arts


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Mollard P Series Purpleheart Baton White 12 in.

Mollard P Series Purpleheart Baton White 12 in.

Your expectations of a baton are about to change Hold a Mollard baton in your hand and it will be instantly obvious to you. The balance, the beauty, the response This exceptional baton is handcrafted from the finest hardwoods, then polished to bring out the deep beauty in the handle. The shaft is made from white birch and coated with either a white or a clear finish.Mollard batons are famous for their lightweight, precision balance, beauty, and responsiveness.

Your expectations of a baton are about to change! Hold a Mollard baton in your hand and it will be instantly obvious to you. The balance, the beauty, the response! This exceptional baton is handcrafted from the finest hardwoods, then polished to bring out
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