Jodyjazz Dv Ny Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece Model 6 (.090 Tip)

Jodyjazz Dv Ny Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece Model 6 (.090 Tip) from Woodwind & Brasswind
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Jodyjazz Dv Ny Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece Model 6 (.090 Tip)

Jodyjazz Dv Ny Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece Model 6 (.090 Tip)

The JodyJazz DV NY Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece produces a darker, less bright tone than the contemporary sound of the DV. The deep baffle/chamber design of the DV NY produce a beautiful classic jazz tenor sound reminiscent of the masters of the 50's and 60's. This mouthpiece comes with cap, ligature and pouch.

Manufacturer: JodyJazz

JodyJazz DV NY Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece Model 6 (.090 Tip)

The JodyJazz DV NY Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece produces a darker, less bright tone than the contemporary sound of the DV. The deep bafflechamber design of the DV NY produce a beautiful classic jazz tenor sound reminiscent of the masters of the 50s and 60s. This mouthpiece comes with cap, ligature and pouch.

The JodyJazz DV NY Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece produces a darker, less bright tone than the contemporary sound of the DV. The deep baffle/chamber design of the DV NY produce a beautiful classic jazz tenor sound reminiscent of the masters of the 50's and 60's. This mouthpiece comes with cap, ligature and pouch.
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