Grenade Carb Killa Bars - 12 Bars - Chocolate Cream

Carb Killla Chocolate Cream 12 s by Grenade from
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Just $27.49

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Grenade Carb Killa Bars - 12 Bars - Chocolate Cream

Manufacturer: Grenade

Grenade Carb Killa Bars - 12 Bars - Chocolate Cream

25 Grams Of Protein Per Bar!

Carb Killla Chocolate Cream 12 s by Grenade

High Protein Bar- 23g protein per bar, only 1g of impact carbs per bar, only 1g sugars per bar. A high protein, triple layered, caramel flavored bar with 23g of protein and only 1g of impact carbs, Carb Killa is a convenient way to consume additional protein between meals without adding unwanted carbs.

Grenade Carb Killa Bars - Box of 12 Chocolate Cream

Grenade Carb Killa® Bars are high in complete proteins, low in impact carbs and loaded with tons of fiber!*
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