"Opro Platinum Mouthguard - Blue/Red/Pearl - Adult"

"Opro Platinum Mouthguard - Blue/Red/Pearl - Adult" from England Rugby Store
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"Opro Platinum Mouthguard - Blue/Red/Pearl - Adult"

Manufacturer: Opro

"Opro Platinum Mouthguard - Blue/Red/Pearl - Adult"

"Opro Platinum Mouthguard - Blue/Red/Pearl - AdultA dual layer mouthguard, it has the added advantage of an inter-jaw absorption layer to provide additional shock absorption between the upper and lower jaw.Unique features of the Platinum mouthguard include:•Patented Fins provide a highly retentive fit after moulding•Fitting Cradle ensures minimum thickness of the bite surface and aids the fitting process. On removal provides unique air cushions for added comfort and protection•Biomaster Antimicrobial Protection is proven to inhibit the growth of bacteria by up to 99.99%•Dental Warranty up to £9,600 for added peace of mind•Suitable for all contact sportsThe mouthguard’s stretch zones allow it to fit almost any mouth and the wide open palate makes speech and breathing easy whilst the mouthguard is being worn.The easy to fit mouthguard has 13 anatomically designed fins, placed to fit tooth morphology, which break down on moulding to provide a superior custom-fit inner channel.•Includes a free Antimicrobial case•Latex Free•Not suitable for wearers of fixed braces•Suitable for age 7+"

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