Infant Red Lobster Costume

Infant Lobster Costume from
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Infant Red Lobster Costume

Manufacturer: In Character

Infant Lobster Costume

Lobster baby! Your little lobster can't possibly get any cuter, but you do need new excuses to keep taking pictures and posting them to Facebook, don't you? Your friends and relatives probably think they've seen enough of your adorable little baby to last a lifetime, but of course they're completely wrong. But how will you get them to see the error of their ways? Perhaps with your child dressed in various adorable outfits! In which case, this is the perfect way to give a new shine to your beautiful baby. Who's going to say no to a lobster? Honestly, anyone? No, not even if they're allergic to shellfish. That's right, even someone allergic to shellfish would delight in this cute costume on your kiddo. And why not? Those big eyes, the little claws with those adorable tiny hands squeezed through? We're already envisioning millions of infants wearing these lobster costumes and being adored by parents and friends everywhere.

And if you're worried about diaper changes, don't worry, we've got the snap buttons to keep you (and your baby) covered. So that sudden, unexpected dirty diaper won't ruin your elaborately planned photo shoot. Just a quick change and you're back in business, smiling faces all around. Of course, the more time your baby spends in the lobster costume, the more likely they'll come to love lobster. Kids are notoriously picky eaters and you're going to have your hands full when they're slapping their high chair demanding only the finest Maine lobster. Are you going to be able to fly that in? It's going to be absurdly expensive, but you know what? Your baby is worth it! Start this journey into the sea together and put them in the cutest costume this side of any coral reef!

Infant Red Lobster Costume


Well, would you look at that! That must be the cutest crustacean costume we have ever seen, and that is saying something considering we have seen A LOT of costumes! Lobster is admittedly not the first animal we think of when we think of something cute. We think of baby pigs and puppies and bunny rabbits. If we had to think of an animal in the water it'd probably be a dolphin or a whale.

So you can imagine our surprise when we realized how adorable this costume is. It totally had us rethinking whether lobsters are a cute animal or not. We looked up a couple pictures of lobsters to help us decide, and we promptly decided that lobsters are generally speaking very uncute. But, for whatever reason this costume totally makes it work!


This costume is one of our more elaborate animal costumes, and we really like that about it! It starts with a red jumpsuit. This jumpsuit is covered in all the detailing they'll need to look like a lobster. The sleeves are capped with armholes that look like claws, and there are smaller legs running down both sides of the jumpsuit. For their feet, we've included the slip-on booties that match the costume perfectly. Last but definitely not least comes the hood. The hood has two big eyes on it and a couple antennas, leaving no question as to what this costume might be.


We trust your judgment, of course. But, we do feel the need to point out the obvious here, just for the sake of being safe. This is NOT a real lobster. No matter how convincing it might look, it is still a baby. This in mind, babies don't live in the water, so we recommend keeping your child out of the water for the entirety of their time in costume.
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