PIKOLINOS leather Accessories SHOE CARE USC

Pikolinos Cepillo nobuck y serraje from PIKOLINOS USD
Best price

Just $12.50

on Wed 02-Nov-2022



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PIKOLINOS leather Accessories SHOE CARE USC

Pikolinos Cepillo nobuck y serraje

Especial para calzado de ante y nobuck. El cepillo tiene un capuchón con cerdas de goma suave que eliminan la suciedad de estas pieles tan delicadas. En el otro lado tiene cerdas de cobre para levantar el pelo y devolverlo a su estado original.

Manufacturer: Pikolinos

PIKOLINOS leather Accessories SHOE CARE USC

Especially for suede and nubuck footwear.

The brush has a cap with soft rubber bristles that remove dirt from these delicate leathers.

On the other side it has copper bristles to raise the leather and restore it to its original condition.
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