Meinl Drummer Snare Timbale Black 10 In.

Meinl Drummer Snare Timbale Black 10 In. from Music & Arts
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Meinl Drummer Snare Timbale Black 10 In.

Meinl Drummer Snare Timbale Black 10 In.

MEINL Steel Drummer Snare Timbales feature a crisp snare effect. The super-positive snare throw-off is fast and simple. Plus, the Snare Timbales feature a special bracket designed by MEINL that holds the snare wires absolutely quiet and chatter-free in the "off" position.Strong mounting clampQuick snare on/off systemChatter-free off position10" height

MEINL Steel Drummer Snare Timbales feature a crisp snare effect. The super-positive snare throw-off is fast and simple. Plus, the Snare Timbales feature a special bracket designed by MEINL that holds the snare wires absolutely quiet and chatter-free in the "off" position.
  • Strong mounting clamp
  • Quick snare on/off system
  • Chatter-free off position
  • 10" height

Meinl Drummer Snare Timbale Black 10 in.

MEINL Steel Drummer Snare Timbales feature a crisp snare effect. The super-positive snare throw-off is fast and simple. Plus, the Snare Timbales feature a special bracket designed by MEINL that holds the snare wires absolutely quiet and chatter-free in the "off" position. Strong mounting clamp
Quick snare on/off system
Chatter-free off position
10" height
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