Seymour Duncan Sh-5 Duncan Custom Guitar Pickup Black/Cream

Seymour Duncan Sh-5 Duncan Custom Guitar Pickup Black/Cream from Music & Arts
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Just $79.00

on Thu 07-May-2020

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Seymour Duncan Sh-5 Duncan Custom Guitar Pickup Black/Cream

Seymour Duncan Sh-5 Duncan Custom Guitar Pickup Black/Cream

Beef up the sound of the Patent Applied For pickup and you get a hard-driving, kicking sound with just the right balance of power, sustain, and distortion. This pickup cuts through with a distinctive high end and midrange attack. Recommended for bridge position. 4-conductor cable.Hard-driving, kicking soundCuts with a distinctive high end and midrange attackBest for bridge position4-conductor cable

Seymour Duncan SH-5 Duncan Custom Guitar Pickup Black/Cream

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