Durango 1055BQR Queen Sized Bed with Headboard Footboard and Rails and Faux Leather Upholstery in Weathered Brown

Hillsdale Furniture Durango Bed Queen Size from Carolina Rustica
Best price

Just $529.00

on Fri 17-May-2019

at Carolina Rustica


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Durango 1055BQR Queen Sized Bed with Headboard Footboard and Rails and Faux Leather Upholstery in Weathered Brown

Hillsdale Furniture Durango Bed Queen Size

Headboard outlined with gold-toned nailhead trimUpholstered in weathered brown faux leatherRequires a box springSome assembly required

Manufacturer: Hillsdale Furniture

Durango 1055BQR Queen Sized Bed with Headboard Footboard and Rails and Faux Leather Upholstery in Weathered Brown

The Durango Panel Queen Bed Set is rugged and sophisticated It is a study in elegant contrasts Featuring a classically shaped headboard outlined with a gold-toned nail head trim it is covered in a weathered brown faux leather Requires a mattress and ...
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