Fossil Engravable Plaque Turquoise Nylon Bracelet Jf02964710 jewelry - JF02964710-WSI

Fossil Engravable Plaque Turquoise Nylon Bracelet jewelry - JF02964710 from Fossil
Best price

Just $20.00

on Mon 15-Apr-2019

at Fossil


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Fossil Engravable Plaque Turquoise Nylon Bracelet Jf02964710 jewelry - JF02964710-WSI

Manufacturer: Fossil

Fossil Engravable Plaque Turquoise Nylon Bracelet jewelry - JF02964710

This slider bracelet features a nylon turquoise cord and a gold-tone steel plaque.

Fossil Engravable Plaque Turquoise Nylon Bracelet Jf02964710 jewelry - JF02964710-WSI
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