Skagen Agnethe Silver-Tone And Mother-Of-Pearl Short Pendant Necklace Skj1119040 Jewelry - SKJ1119040-WSI

Agnethe Silver-Tone And Mother-Of-Pearl Short Pendant Necklace - SKJ1119040 from Skagen
Best price

Just $30.00

on Sun 14-Jun-2020

at Skagen


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Skagen Agnethe Silver-Tone And Mother-Of-Pearl Short Pendant Necklace Skj1119040 Jewelry - SKJ1119040-WSI

Skagen Agnethe Silver-Tone And Mother-Of-Pearl Short Pendant Necklace Skj1119040 Jewelry - SKJ1119040-WSI

This short necklace features a silver-tone pendant that mirrors the horizon line, with an open top half and a mother-of-pearl lower half. The silver-tone chain is adjustable for length.

Agnethe Silver-Tone And Mother-Of-Pearl Short Pendant Necklace - SKJ1119040
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