Playstix 150 Piece Set

Playstix 150 Piece Set from
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Playstix 150 Piece Set

Manufacturer: Popular Playthings

Playstix 150 Piece Set

Welcome to Playstix, the construction toy that allows you to build the ordinary and inspires you to build the extraordinary.Are you ready for some building fun? This 150 piece set of Playstix allows you to build a wide variety of models right out of the box, without the need for any additional or specialized parts. And, our Idea Booklet illustrates fun things to build - from a simple table and chairs to a two-story cabin.Each Playstix piece has grooves that interlock when one playstix piece is placed across another. The different length Playstix pieces are color-coded, so it's easy to see how each model is built.Once you've mastered your building skills, you'll want to explore the possibilities of Playstix unique Snap and Lock feature, which locks and holds everything in place. So, put your imagination and creativity to the test. Think of something, then build it!

This is a Playstix 150 Pc Set.
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