Ernie Ball 2806 Flat Wound Group III Electric Bass Strings Standard

Ernie Ball 2806 Flat Wound Group III Electric Bass Strings from Music & Arts
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Ernie Ball 2806 Flat Wound Group III Electric Bass Strings Standard

Ernie Ball 2806 Flat Wound Group III Electric Bass Strings

Gauges 45-65-80-100.Ernie Ball 2806 tin-plated steel strings offer smooth high notes, clear lows, and an overall lively tone. Smooth surface makes these bass strings easier on sensitive fingers. All Ernie Ball strings are precision manufactured to the highest standards and most exacting specs to assure consistency, optimum performance, and long life.

Manufacturer: Ernie Ball

Ernie Ball 2806 Flat Wound Group III Electric Bass Strings Standard

Gauges 45-65-80-100.

Ernie Ball 2806 tin-plated steel strings offer smooth high notes, clear lows, and an overall lively tone. Smooth surface makes these bass strings easier on sensitive fingers.

All Ernie Ball strings are precision manufactured to the highest standards and most exacting specs to assure consistency, optimum performance, and long life.
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