Telescopik Rotating Telescopic Reacher

PikStik Telescoping Reacher - 1 ea from AvaCare Medical
Best price

Just $30.29

on Thu 22-Sep-2022

at AvaCare Medical


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Telescopik Rotating Telescopic Reacher

Telescopik Rotating Telescopic Reacher

PikStik Telescoping Reacher - 1 ea

Telescoping Reacher Telescoping Reacher

Manufacturer: PikStik TelescoPik

PikStik TelescoPik Adjustable Reacher

The durable PikStik TelescoPik Adjustable Reacher is lightweight and super easy to use. The body is built with rust-free aluminum, and the jaws are 5.5" with a non-slip grip that makes it easier to grasp items. This item makes a great gift for a loved one with limited mobility or flexibility.
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