Cosmesis Environmental Support Serum, 1 fl oz

Environmental Support Serum from Life Extension Europe
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Cosmesis Environmental Support Serum, 1 fl oz

Cosmesis Environmental Support Serum, 1 fl oz

Cosmesis’ Environmental Support Serum helps promote long lasting and healthy skin support against the free-radical damage from environmental factors. . Environmental Support Serum, 1 fl oz

Health Benefits at a Glance:

Every day, particles from air pollution can penetrate the skin and release a storm of free radicals. These free radicals damage skin cells and encourage premature aging of the skin. Luckily, extract from the horehound plant in the anti-aging formulation of Environmental Support Serum can help prevent the impact of air pollutants on your skin and help your skin stay and appear fresher, cleaner, smoother, and younger. Why it Works:

Every day, people expose their skin to pollution from the air. Particles from soot, dust, pollen, and smoke particles can penetrate the skin. When this happens, it releases a wave of free radicals that alters the structure of skin cells. This can cause signs of premature aging of the skin such as wrinkles and undesirable pigmentation.

Luckily, Environmental Support Serum from Cosmesis contains a novel anti-aging formulation of extract from the horehound plant (Marrubium vulgare) that can protect against the entry of particulate matter into the skin, neutralize damaging free radicals, strengthen the skin´s barrier function and support various skin repair mechanisms, thereby helping the skin to appear fresher, cleaner, smoother, and younger. The Science Behind the Product:

Studies involving humans show that extract from the horehound plant (Marrubium vulgare) can provide immediate as well as long-lasting support for the skin. Studies show that when an extract of this plant was applied topically, it improved the appearance of skin moisture. Moreover, it also restored a healthy skin glow within a single hour. After four weeks of topical application, it also reduced the appearance of blackheads and rough-textured skin.

This resulted in skin that feels and appears fresher, cleaner, smoother, and younger. How to Use:

Apply to clean skin morning and evening
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