EFX Sports Kre-Alkalyn EFX Powder - 100 Grams, Neutral

EFX Sports Kre-Alkalyn EFX Powder - 100g from A1Supplements.com
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EFX Sports Kre-Alkalyn EFX Powder - 100 Grams, Neutral

Manufacturer: All American EFX

EFX Sports Kre-Alkalyn EFX Powder - 100 Grams, Neutral

The Original 100% Stable pH-Correct Creatine!

Manufacturer: All American Efx

Kre-Alkalyn EFX Powder 0.35 lbs by All American Efx

The world's only creatine that doesn't lose potency before reaching muscle. Our scientists discovered that "buffering" creatine molecules to pH 12 provides the critical protections necessary to withstand the acidic pH of the stomach and reach muscle cells at full strength (and with much power dosages). This patented "buffering" manufacturing process locks out all other creatines from the pH safe zone of 7-14,meaning they will degrade before reaching muscle. Delivers 28% more strength than unbuffered creatine monohydrate! Twenty-four members of the Bulgarian National weightlifting team were selected to participate in a landmark double-blind clinical study comparing Kre-Alkalyn to standard creatine monohydrate. The final results were quite shocking! In just 60 days, the Kre-Alkalyn group experienced an overall average strength increase of 28.25% above in the creatine monohydrate group!

Manufacturer: EFX Sports

EFX Sports Kre-Alkalyn EFX Powder - 100g

Most bodybuilders keep jumping from one type of creatine to the next, hoping their results will match the hype. The dissappointment ends here with Kre-Alkalyn® EFX!
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