AHCC 500 mg 60 VCaps by Now Foods

AHCC 60 Vcaps by Now Foods from Herbspro.com
Best price

Just $45.96

on Tue 25-Feb-2020

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AHCC 500 mg 60 VCaps by Now Foods

Now AHCC - 500mg/60 V-Capsules

Mushroom Mycelia Extract-Natural Killer Cells Critical For Healthy Cell Cycle!

AHCC 60 Vcaps by Now Foods

AHCC (Active Hexose Correlated Compound) is a unique extract produced from specially cultivated and hybridized mushrooms. Studies have demonstrated AHCC's ability to support healthy immune system function and cell cycle regulation.* AHCC has also demonstrated potent free radical scavenging properties, as well as the ability to promote proper liver function.*

AHCC 500 mg 60 VCaps by Now Foods
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