Fish Mox 250 mg 30 Caps by Thomas Laboratories

Fish Mox (Amoxicillin) - 250mg (30 capsules) from EntirelyPets
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Fish Mox 250 mg 30 Caps by Thomas Laboratories

Fish Mox (Amoxicillin) - 250mg (30 capsules)

Fish Mox is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that control gram-positive and some gram-negative bacteria in fish. It works by halting the multiplication of bacteria associated with both fresh and saltwater ornamental fish diseases. This fish antibiotic is useful for control of some common bacterial diseases in fish including Dropsy, Fin Rot, Red Pest, and diseases caused by Bacteria such as Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, and Mycobacterial (Gill diseases and Chondrococcus).

Manufacturer: Fish Mox

Fish Mox 250 mg 30 Caps by Thomas Laboratories

Fish Mox (Amoxicillin) exerts a bactericidial action on gram positive and some gram negative bacteria. Useful for control of some common bacterial fish diseases including aeromonas and pseudomonas.
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