Dunlop Pvp108 Pick Jazz Iii Variety 7 Pack

Dunlop Pvp108 Pick Jazz Iii Variety 7 Pack from Guitar Center
Best price

Just $7.19

on Sat 19-Sep-2020

at Guitar Center


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Dunlop Pvp108 Pick Jazz Iii Variety 7 Pack

Dunlop Pvp108 Pick Jazz Iii Variety 7 Pack

Dunlop Manufacturing produces many different types and sizes picks to suit the varied preferences of today's musicians, and the Nylon Jazz III Pick is 1.38 mm with a sharp jazz tip style and small, broad grip. This package contains seven picks.

Dunlop Manufacturing produces many different types and sizes picks to suit the varied preferences of today's musicians, and the Nylon Jazz III Pick is 1.38 mm with a sharp jazz tip style and small, broad grip. This package contains seven picks.
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