Paiste Rude Sound Edge Hi-Hat Cymbals 14"

Paiste RUDE Sound Edge Hi-Hat 14 from Music & Arts
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Paiste Rude Sound Edge Hi-Hat Cymbals 14"

Paiste Rude Sound Edge Hi-Hat Cymbals 14

Raw, funky characteristics with a brighter, less dry sound due to the rippled bottom. A perfect Sound Edge hi-hat for heavy players. Heavy midrange harmonics and powerful, cutting characteristics.Raw, funky characteristicsBrighter, less dry sound due to the rippled bottomFor heavy playerHeavy midrange harmonics and powerful, cutting characteristics

Paiste Rude Sound Edge Hi-Hat Cymbals 14"

Manufacturer: Paiste

Raw, funky characteristics with a brighter, less dry sound due to the rippled bottom. A perfect Sound Edge hi-hat for heavy players. Heavy midrange harmonics and powerful, cutting characteristics.
Raw, funky characteristics
Brighter, less dry sound due to the rippled bottom
For heavy player
Heavy midrange harmonics and powerful, cutting characteristics

Paiste RUDE Sound Edge Hi-Hat 14

To je samodejni prevod s programsko opremo: 14-palčna cimbala s srednje visokim in težkim dnom iz serije RUDE "Sound Edge", ki jo je navdihnila revolucija punka in metala v poznih sedemdesetih letih 20. stoletja in je še naprej vodilna izbira zvoka za surovo, neusmiljeno in močno glasbeno energijo v rocku, metalu in punku in drugih težkih žanrih. Izdelana je iz bronaste zlitine CuSn8, znane tudi kot "Bronza 2002", in daje zelo svetel, surov, poln in energičen zvok. Ponuja dokaj širok razpon in dokaj zapleteno mešanico, srednje vzdržljiv in težek, nadzorovan občutek. Ta hi-klobuk je rob za težke igralce, s polnim, umazanim, glasnim odprtim zvokom in ostrim, rezalnim, močnim piščančjim zvokom.

Konča: Traditional

Premer: 14"

Sestava kompleta: Samo činele

Debelina: Srednja

Tip: Hi-Hat

Država izvora: Švica

Zlitina: CuSn8 Bronze

Serije: Rude

Premer (inch / palec): 14.0

Varianta: .Hi-Hat
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