Rovner Dark Soprano Saxophone Ligature And Cap 1Mvs Slim Metal Soprano Sax Mouthpieces

Rovner Dark Soprano Saxophone Ligature and Cap 1MVS Slim Metal Soprano Sax Mouth from Woodwind & Brasswind
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Just $26.99

on Mon 12-Apr-2021

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Rovner Dark Soprano Saxophone Ligature And Cap 1Mvs Slim Metal Soprano Sax Mouthpieces

Rovner Dark Soprano Saxophone Ligature And Cap 1Mvs Slim Metal Soprano Sax Mouthpieces

The Rovner Dark assists in producing a full, centered tone. One can compare the results of this ligature with the age-old technology of the string ligature. It's enjoyed especially by classical performers for its warm sound.

Manufacturer: Rovner

Rovner Dark Soprano Saxophone Ligature and Cap 1MVS Slim Metal Soprano Sax Mouth

The Rovner Dark assists in producing a full, centered tone. One can compare the results of this ligature with the age-old technology of the string ligature. Its enjoyed especially by classical performers for its warm sound.

Rovner Dark Soprano Saxophone Ligature and Cap 1MVS Slim Metal Soprano Sax Mouthpieces
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