Zirh by Zirh, 1.7 oz Correct - Vitamin Enriched Serum for Men

Zirh CORRECT (50 ml / 1.6 fl oz) from EDCskincare.com
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Zirh by Zirh, 1.7 oz Correct - Vitamin Enriched Serum for Men

Manufacturer: Zirh

Zirh by Zirh, 1.7 oz Correct - Vitamin Enriched Serum for Men

Conditioning serum with vitamins that helps to replenish nutrients and condition skin's texture making it feel smoother. #13#10CORRECT helps maintain the smooth and pliable appearance of the skin and reduce flaking on the surface. Key ingredients: Conditioning formula with Emollients and a blend of vitamins including A,C and E, that helps maintain the smooth and pliable appearance of the skin.

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Manufacturer: ZIRH

ZIRH Correct Vitamin Enriched Serum

Give your skin just what it needs with ZIRH Correct Vitamin Enriched Serum. Designed for normal to dry skin this moisturizing serum conditions deep down with vitamins to replenish lost essential nutrients from your skin. With a restorative effect skin becomes smoother and more pliable losing that dry and flaky texture to reveal a healthy and handsome complexion. Benefits: Ideal for normal to dry skin Moisturizing conditioning serum Infused with replenishing vitamins Smooths skin for pliable appearance Reduces flaking [ 50 mL ]

Zirh CORRECT (50 ml / 1.6 fl oz)

Zirh Correct is specially formulated to protect and perfect male skin.
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