Flexon 603 Eyeglasses, (905) Light Bronze

Flexon 603 Eyeglasses, (905) Light Bronze from Eyeconic
Best price

Just $199.00

on Sun 15-Dec-2019

at Eyeconic


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Flexon 603 Eyeglasses, (905) Light Bronze

Manufacturer: Flexon

Flexon 603 Eyeglasses, (905) Light Bronze

Flexon 603 eyeglasses are designed for men and women featuring regular hinges and skull temples. The Flexon 603 eyeglasses model is made of titanium and manufactured in China.


Classic, understated style sums up the Flexon 603 wire frame eyeglasses. Available in a range of subtle sophisticated matte shades, they are a solid choice for a man with refined taste. Features a softened rectangular shape and full wire rim.
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