Primacoustic Broadway Sound Control Cubes With Beveled Edges 2X24x24 Gray

Primacoustic Broadway Sound Control Cubes With Beveled Edges 2X24x24 Gray from Music & Arts
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Primacoustic Broadway Sound Control Cubes With Beveled Edges 2X24x24 Gray

Primacoustic Broadway Sound Control Cubes With Beveled Edges 2X24x24 Gray

Primacoustic Broadway Control Cubes are an attractive, easy-to-install acoustic treatment when you want to control primary reflections, eliminate flutter echo, and reduce standing waves.

Made from high density 6 pound per cubic foot high density fiberglass. Span Control Cubes across wall surfaces to treat bothersome reflections that exist between the sound source and the listener. The panels are typically spread in an array that does not completely deaden the room. This helps control acoustic problems while leaving a sense of 'air' audio or space in the room.

The Control Cube's square design is particularly well suited for large wall surfaces where you need treatment and would like to create distinctive architecturally pleasing patterns. This makes the Control Cube an excellent choice in live-end, dead-end designs such as in studios and home theatres while also providing a cost effective alternative for larger spaces such as music practice rooms, dance studios, fitness centers and classrooms that need to be tamed in effort to reduce the reverberation.

As an added bonus, Control Cubes present a tremendous 'upgrade' opportunity for typical drop ceilings where the 24"x24" square panels will drop right into a traditional T-bar grid. This can be particularly effective in commercial installations such as noisy offices, call centers and boardrooms that need added sound control.

The Primacoustic Broadway series is a range of high performance acoustic panels designed for use in the most demanding commercial applications where performance and safety are of utmost concern.

Broadway audio panels are 4 to 5 times denser than typical acoustic foam resulting in greater sound absorption. Each panel is fully encapsulated with micromesh and features resin hardened edges. This retains the minute fiberglass strands while the 'sharp edges' accentuate the contrast in more demanding architectural installations. The panels are then covered in anFabric covered acoustic panels with hardened resin edges
Made from high density 6 lb per cubic foot fiberglass
Broadband absorption
Class-1 fire rated for safety and ASTM tested performance
12 panels per box

Primacoustic Broadway Sound Control Cubes with Beveled Edges 2X24X24 Gray

Primacoustic Broadway Control Cubes are an attractive, easy-to-install acoustic treatment when you want to control primary reflections, eliminate flutter echo, and reduce standing waves.

Made from high density 6 pound per cubic foot high density
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