D'Andrea 323 Heart Delrex Delrin Picks - One Dozen Orange .60 mm

D'Andrea 323 Heart Delrex Delrin Picks - One Dozen Orange .60 mm from Music & Arts
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D'Andrea 323 Heart Delrex Delrin Picks - One Dozen Orange .60 mm

D'Andrea 323 Heart Delrex Delrin Picks - One Dozen Orange .60 mm

DAndrea Formula Delrex guitar picks provides players with an alternative material that addresses the issue of pick slippage. With a unique tone and articulation along with a matte finish, the Formula Delrex picks are a popular choice for all styles of guitar playing. The heart-shaped design allows you to explore tones that arent possible with a traditional shape pick. They are available in six gauge specific colors and ship in a 12-piece pack. Choose your favorite gauge from the drop down menu.

Manufacturer: D'Andrea

D'Andrea Formula Delrex guitar picks provides players with an alternative material that addresses the issue of pick slippage. With a unique tone and articulation along with a matte finish, the Formula Delrex picks are a popular choice for all styles of guitar playing. The heart-shaped design allows you to explore tones that aren™t possible with a traditional shape pick. They are available in six gauge specific colors and ship in a 12-piece pack. Choose your favorite gauge from the drop down menu.
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