Zildjian Zbt Splash Cymbal 10 In.

Zildjian ZBT 10 Inch Splash from Music & Arts
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Zildjian Zbt Splash Cymbal 10 In.

Zildjian Zbt Splash Cymbal 10 In.

The Zildjian ZBT Splash Cymbal is bright, fast, and cutting. Sound grooves and round hammer strikes in a simple circular pattern on the top surface of ZBT cymbals magnify the basic sound of the distinctive ZBT alloy.

Zildjian ZBT 10 Inch Splash

Get maximum value with the Zildjian ZBT Splash! Zildjian's manufacturing innovation delivers quality at affordable prices. Zildjian Sheet Bronze Cymbals are pressed from uniform sheets of energetic bronze alloy. Hammered, lathed, and highly polished, their intense sound cuts through the mix of other cymbals. Start here. Go anywhere. An affordable, durable, high-performance first splash choice for the starting drummer.

The Zildjian ZBT Splash Cymbal is bright, fast, and cutting. Sound grooves and round hammer strikes in a simple circular pattern on the top surface of ZBT cymbals magnify the basic sound of the distinctive ZBT alloy.

Zildjian ZBT Splash Cymbal 10 in.

The Zildjian ZBT Splash Cymbal is bright, fast, and cutting. Sound grooves and round hammer strikes in a simple circular pattern on the top surface of ZBT cymbals magnify the basic sound of the distinctive ZBT alloy.
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