Jones Artist Series Bassoon Reeds Medium-Hard

Jones Artist Series Bassoon Reeds Medium-Hard from Woodwind & Brasswind
Best price

Just $19.27

on Mon 29-Mar-2021

at Woodwind & Brasswind


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Jones Artist Series Bassoon Reeds Medium-Hard

Jones Artist Series Bassoon Reeds Medium-Hard

Only the most select French cane is used in the Jones Artist Bassoon Reeds. Using unique diamond cutting equipment, exacting gouge can be obtained. The profile is produced using advanced robotics, thus allowing the tip to receive extra refinement. Each reed is tested and adjusted by the "Artist in Resident," a professional Bassoonist.

Manufacturer: Jones

Only the most select French cane is used in the Jones Artist Bassoon Reeds. Using unique diamond cutting equipment, exacting gouge can be obtained. The profile is produced using advanced robotics, thus allowing the tip to receive extra refinement. Each reed is tested and adjusted by the Artist in Resident, a professional Bassoonist.
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