Gonzalez F.O.F Bb Clarinet Reeds Strength 4.5

Gonzalez F.O.F Bb Clarinet Reeds Strength 4.5 from Music & Arts
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Gonzalez F.O.F Bb Clarinet Reeds Strength 4.5

Gonzalez F.O.F Bb Clarinet Reeds Strength 4.5

The F.O.F. (For Our Friends) Bb Clarinet Reeds from Gonzalez come from organically grown Argentinean cane that is CNC controlled and hand worked. With a Moree-style cut (high shoulder, long heart, thick blank) they produce a deep, full and focused tone.Moree-filed cutMade from Argentinean CaneQuantity: 10

The F.O.F. For Our Friends Bb Clarinet Reeds from Gonzalez come from organically grown Argentinean cane that is CNC controlled and hand worked. With a Moree-style cut high shoulder, long heart, thick blank they produce a deep, full and focused tone.Moree-filed cutMade from Argentinean CaneQuantity 10

Manufacturer: Gonzalez

The F.O.F. (For Our Friends) Bb Clarinet Reeds from Gonzalez come from organically grown Argentinean cane that is CNC controlled and hand worked. With a Moree-style cut (high shoulder, long heart, thick blank) they produce a deep, full and focused tone. Moree-filed cut
Made from Argentinean Cane
Quantity: 10
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