Selmer Paris S80 Series Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece F

Selmer Paris S80 Series Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece  F from Woodwind & Brasswind
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Just $171.00

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Selmer Paris S80 Series Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece F

Manufacturer: Selmer Paris

Selmer Paris S80 Series Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece F

The Selmer S80 series Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece is machined from hard rubber to assure stability, accuracy, and consistent facings. This Selmer mouthpiece features a square cross section in the chamber instead of the conventional arch. Standard facing.Hard rubberSquare cross-sectioned chamberStandard facing

Selmer Paris S80 Series Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece F

The Selmer S80 series Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece is machined from hard rubber to assure stability, accuracy, and consistent facings. This Selmer mouthpiece features a square cross section in the chamber instead of the conventional arch. Standard facing. Hard rubber
Square cross-sectioned chamber
Standard facing
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