Cellex-C SPEED PEEL FACIAL GEL (90 ml / 3 oz)

Cellex-C Speed Peel Facial Gel from StrawberryNET.com - Skincare-Makeup-Cosmetics-Fragrance
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Cellex-C SPEED PEEL FACIAL GEL (90 ml / 3 oz)

Manufacturer: 셀렉스 씨

셀렉스 씨스피드 필 페이셜 젤 90ml/3oz

빠르고 쉽게 각질을 제거하고 건조하고 거친 피부를 촉촉하게 해주는 제품으로 피지와 노폐물을 함께 제거하고 상쾌하고 부드럽게 가꾸어주며 모든 피부에 적합하다전체 얼굴에 바르고 20분후 세안한다

Manufacturer: Cellex-C

Cellex-C Speed Peel Facial Gel

Cellex-C Speed Peel Facial Gel 3 oz. A deeply exfoliating cleanser

Cellex-C Speed Peel Facial Gel is a mint fragranced formulation designed specifically for the face to provide fast thorough exfoliation of superficial skin cells. This unique formulation leaves the skin feeling freshly exfoliated resulting in a healthy rosy glow which is normally associated with youthful looking skin. Finally a Peel that is comfortable to use! Benefits: Humectants and skin conditioners produce moist supple skin. Helps reduce the appearance of blackheads and minimizes large pores and rough textured skin. Cellex-C Speed Peel Facial Gel may be used by men and women.. Oil-free hydrating gel. Regular use creates the appearance of younger looking skin by removing the rough opaque superficial skin cells characteristic of devitalized older skin. Suitable for all skin types [ 3.4 oz / 90 ml ] Experience advanced technology synergistic ingredients & patented complexes created to heal with Cellex-C products at BeautifiedYou.com Authorized Cellex-C Resellers - 100% Authenticity Guaranteed

Cellex-C SPEED PEEL FACIAL GEL (90 ml / 3 oz)

Cellex-C Speed Peel Facial Gel is specially formulated to remove dead skin cells.
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