B. Kamins Nia-Stem Moisturizer KX

B. Kamins Nia-Stem Moisturizer KX from BeautifiedYou.com
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Just $125.00

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B. Kamins Nia-Stem Moisturizer KX

B. Kamins Nia-Stem Moisturizer KX

B. Kamins Nia-Stem Moisturizer KX 1.7 fl. oz. A lightweight moisturizer to fight the signs of aging

B. Kamins Nia-Stem Moisturizer Kx

B. Kamins Nia-Stem Moisturizer Kx is a daily moisturizer with niacin plant cells and our exclusive Bio-Maple™ Compound is designed to improve skin tone and texture. Anti-aging formula increases cell life expectancy and promotes tissue regeneration to allow for a brighter complexion. This formula is designed to fight signs of aging while leaving the skin with a silky soft finish. Benefits: Niacin and plant cell stimulate cell metabolism Initiates repair and reduces skin reactivity Ideal for all skin types [1.7 fl. oz./50 ml.] A contemporary spa line merging clinical quality skin care with the indulgent spa experience. See B. Kamins products at BeautifiedYou.com Authorized B. Kamins Resellers - 100% Authenticity Guaranteed
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