Promark Japanese White Oak Drumsticks Nylon 5B

Promark Japanese White Oak Drumsticks Nylon 5B from Woodwind & Brasswind
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Just $11.99

on Tue 17-Mar-2020

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Promark Japanese White Oak Drumsticks Nylon 5B

Promark Japanese White Oak Drumsticks Nylon 5B

Pro-Mark Japanese white oak drumsticks are balanced and carefully crafted using hand-selected white oak. Grown in the mountainous regions of Japan, this particular species of oak is a harder wood than hickory and will take more wear, tear, and punishment. It resists chipping and wearing soft. Made with Pro-Marks exclusive Millennium II manufacturing process, each stick is hand-finished and hand-inspected. The result is a strength and durability no other stick can match.Harder than hickoryResists chippingWont wear softHand-finishedHand-inspected

PROMARK Japanese White Oak Drumsticks Nylon 5B

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