Sennheiser Sl Headmic 1-4 Sb, Silver Neckband Omni Microphone Silver

Sennheiser Sl Headmic 1-4 Sb, Silver Neckband Omni Microphone Silver from Guitar Center
Best price

Just $649.00

on Sat 19-Sep-2020

at Guitar Center


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Sennheiser Sl Headmic 1-4 Sb, Silver Neckband Omni Microphone Silver

Sennheiser Sl Headmic 1-4 Sb, Silver Neckband Omni Microphone Silver

The SL Headmic 1 is an extremely unobtrusive and comfortable-to-use headworn microphone. It features the proven omni-directional MKE 1 microphone capsule. The adjustable neckband makes its use convenient for everyone. The extremely lightweight but robust metal frame makes long-term usage most convenient. It comes with a sturdy and sleek soft-case, which can also hold a bodypack transmitter. The microphone is available in black, beige or silver.

Sennheiser SL HEADMIC 1-4 SB, Silver Neckband Omni Microphone Silver

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