Mabis 501-1012-4100 Ultra Lightweight Aluminum Rollator - Straight Backrest - Titanium

Ultra Lightweight Aluminum Rollator from MedEx Supply
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Just $112.31

on Tue 30-Apr-2019

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Mabis 501-1012-4100 Ultra Lightweight Aluminum Rollator - Straight Backrest - Titanium

Manufacturer: Mabis

Mabis 501-1012-4100 Ultra Lightweight Aluminum Rollator - Straight Backrest - Titanium

This ultra lightweight rollator is an ideal solution for active on-the-go users Like all DMI rollators this model folds easily for storage and transport.

Straight padded backrest and cushioned seat for maximum comfort.
Height adjustable handles comfortably fit most users.
Secure bicycle-style handbrakes with ergonomic handgrips.
Lightweight aluminum frame construction.
Secure bicycle-style handbrakes with ergonomic handles.
Overall width: 24".
Handle height adjusts from 32" - 36".
Width between handles: 18".

Mabis Ultra Lightweight Aluminum Rollator, Titanium
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