Grohe Relexa Rustic Hand Shower - Sterling Infinity Finish

Grohe Relexa Rustic Hand Shower - Sterling Infinity Finish from Modern Bathroom
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Grohe Relexa Rustic Hand Shower - Sterling Infinity Finish

Grohe Relexa Rustic Hand Shower - Sterling Infinity Finish

Imagining the future, GROHE products are designed to last a lifetime. Advanced engineering and elegance provide the GROHE customer with products that are investment pieces ensuring years of reliable performance. Enjoy water. Enjoy GROHE.For the ultimate in luxury, the Grohe Relexa Rustic Hand Shower is here. Featuring DreamSpray technology, Grohe has created an advanced shower engine? that guarantees an equal flow of water to each individual shower nozzle. Choose from 5 spray patterns: Normal spray/Rain spray/Jet spray/Massage spray/Champagne spray for the perfect custom shower every time. Available in multiple finishes. Features & Specs5 Spray PatternGROHE DreamSpray TechnologySpeedClean Anti-Lime SystemFlow Rate 2.5 gpm @ 80psi View Spec Sheet

Manufacturer: Grohe

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