Glytone Acne Self-Foaming Cleanser (Acne Therapy) (180 ml / 6.1 fl oz)

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Glytone Acne Self-Foaming Cleanser (Acne Therapy) (180 ml / 6.1 fl oz)

Manufacturer: Glytone

Glytone Acne Self Foaming Cleanser

Troubled skin is no trouble at all when you use Glytone Acne Self Foaming Cleanser. This unique formula is irritation-free to cleanse away surface debris gently exfoliate and clean deep into your pores for a refreshingly clean feeling. The self-foaming technology allows skin to bask in the glory of salicylic acid ideal for acne-prone skin to clear up blemishes and keep them from recurring. This oil-free non-comedogenic formulation goes deep to clear blemishes for good. Plus you can use it as a mask by leaving it on for 30 seconds before rinsing away making it a go-to for acne prone skin! Benefits: Foams up on contact Salicylic acid-based formula clears blemishes and prevents new ones Irritation-free formula cleanses and exfoliates Free of oils fragrances and parabens [ 6.1 fl oz / 180 mL ]

Glytone Acne Self-Foaming Cleanser (Acne Therapy) (180 ml / 6.1 fl oz)

"GLYTONE Acne Self-Foaming Cleanser is a unique, non-irritating formula that helps deep cleanse acne-prone skin."
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