Glytone Acne 3P Treatment Gel (Acne Therapy) (2 oz / 56.7 g)

Glytone Acne 3P Treatment Gel from
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Just $34.00

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Glytone Acne 3P Treatment Gel (Acne Therapy) (2 oz / 56.7 g)

Manufacturer: Glytone

Glytone Acne 3P Treatment Gel

Glytone Acne 3P Treatment Gel is a non-comedogenic and non-irritating gel that fights acne throughout the day eliminating acne-causing bacteria while maintaining skin’s moisture and minimizing potential irritation! This oil free and fragrance free formula contains patented time-released micronized Benzoyl Peroxide along with an innovative hydro-gel formulation to fight acne around the clock while fending off dryness. Acne 3P Treatment Gel unclogs pores and keeps oil production under control reducing and preventing additional blackheads whiteheads and other acne blemishes. Benefits : Eliminates acne-causing bacteria from skin Maintains skin’s moisture and minimizes potential irritation Clears and prevents blackheads whiteheads and other acne blemishes Enhanced with time-released micronized Benzoyl Peroxide Designed for acne and blemish prone skin [ 2 oz / 56.7 g ] For scientific dermatological & cosmetic solutions that guarantee effectiveness see Glytone products at Authorized Glytone Resellers - 100% Authenticity Guaranteed

Glytone Acne 3P Treatment Gel (Acne Therapy) (2 oz / 56.7 g)

Glytone Acne 3P Treatment Gel is an advanced formulation that combines a liquid matrix of micronized benzoyl peroxide with polyolprepolymers to help control the delivery of the potent acne treatment to minimize the risk of irritation.
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