World of Warcraft - Battlechest 5.0 [EU]

World of Warcraft - Battlechest 5.0 [EU] from MMOGA Ltd. US
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World of Warcraft - Battlechest 5.0 [EU]

Manufacturer: Activision Blizzard

World of Warcraft - Battlechest 5.0 [EU]

World of Warcraft - Battlechest 5.0 [EU] Buy World of Warcraft Battlechest now! You will receive your key to activate the contents of the World of Warcraft Battlechest 5.0 via eMail. Redeem the key in your account to unlock the contents. The download is then available for free. Note:30 days included gametime are only to be used for new game accounts and cannot be utilized as a gamecard for existing accounts. This is an EU Key which can only be redeemed for European accounts. Contents of the WoW Battlechest 5.0 World of Warcraft original game30 days of gametime for newly created accountsWoW: The Burning Crusade (expansion)WoW: Wrath of the Lich King (expansion)WoW: Cataclysm (expansion)WoW: Mists of Pandaria (expansion) Video (Cataclysm expansion) Description There is a hero in everyone. A hero that longs for epic adventures. For great achievements. A hero who laughs at his enemy's face without fear - and charges. This hero lives for courage and finds allies in like-minded people to make things come true that nobody would have thought possible, mastering the most incredible challenges together. Step into this World of Warcraft and get together with millions of other powerful heroes like you. Experience this online world of myths, magic and endless adventure. What are you waiting for? Awaken the hero inside yourself! Features 5 games in one box: Open the gate to Azeroth with this bix and you will not only receive the basic version of World of Warcraft but also the expansions The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, and Mists of Pandaria. Hundreds of hours of fun gameplay await you. The first 30 days of gametime are already included.Create your hero: Your character in the game can be made up from 13 different races and 10 different classes. Strive for epic power and get the most coveted artefacts and rewards while you master the most dangerous and lethal challenges and defeat evil.Form powerful alliances: Play alone or look for skilled supporters to experience the war-torn lands in World of Warcraft together.Look for the g ...
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