Obagi CLENZIderm Pore Therapy

Obagi CLENZIderm Pore Therapy from BeautifiedYou.com
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Obagi CLENZIderm Pore Therapy

Manufacturer: 欧邦琪

欧邦琪 痘净肤毛孔紧致爽肤水 148ml/5oz

适用肌肤:中性,油性,混合或是粉刺肌肤 产品功效:滋润补水,温和消炎,减少粉刺 产品特点:蕴含水杨酸成分,温和磨砂,清透毛孔。融入甘油因子,滋润肌肤。清透毛孔,使肌肤更好地吸收其他养分。使用后肌肤更加柔滑细腻。 使用方法:早晚搭配化妆棉擦拭于面部肌肤。若肌肤感干燥,可减少使用频率至每天一次或是两天一次。

Obagi CLENZIderm Pore Therapy

Obagi CLENZIderm Pore Therapy is a daily facial toner that helps to purify pores with exfoliating ingredients to remove dead skin cells and dirt deep within pores that cleansers can leave behind. Pore Therapy should be used after cleansing for easy absorption and improved results with acne treatment products. This 2% salicylic acid solution leaves skin feeling refreshed without exacerbating skin conditions while refining pores to make them appear less noticeable and is ideal for acne prone skin. Use Obagi CLENZIderm Pore Therapy daily as step two of your acne defense regimen! Benefits : Purifies pores while exfoliating dead skin and dirt Leaves skin feeling refreshed and clean 2% salicylic acid solution Will not exacerbate skin conditions Ideal for acne and blemish prone skin [5 fl oz / 148 ml] Minimize premature aging sun damage hyperpigmentation acne and rosacea symptoms with the full line of Obagi skincare products at BeautifiedYou.com Authorized Obagi Resellers - 100% Authenticity Guaranteed
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