Musician's Gear Electric Nickel Plated Steel Guitar Strings 9-42 - 5-Pack

Musician's Gear Electric Nickel Plated Steel Guitar Strings 9-42 - 5-Pack from Musician's Friend
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Just $11.45

on Tue 22-Sep-2020

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Musician's Gear Electric Nickel Plated Steel Guitar Strings 9-42 - 5-Pack

Musician's Gear Electric Nickel Plated Steel Guitar Strings 9-42 - 5-Pack

Musician's Gear Electric Guitar Strings deliver great tone, durability, and accurate intonation. They are made from American nickel-plated steel wire wrapped around a platinum hexagon steel core and are manufactured to the highest tolerance standards to enhance your musical enjoyment and performance.Includes five packs of strings. Gauges: 09-11-16-24-32-42

Musician's Gear Electric Nickel Plated Steel Guitar Strings 9-42 5-Pack

Musician's Gear Electric Guitar Strings deliver great tone, durability, and accurate intonation. They are made from American nickel-plated steel wire wrapped around a platinum hexagon steel core and are manufactured to the highest tolerance standards to enhance your musical enjoyment and performance.

Includes five packs of strings. Gauges: 09-11-16-24-32-42
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